
Friday, January 5, 2007

web 2.0

what is Web 2.0? Where Web 1.0 was the web itself--technologies like HTML (the page markup language), plus browsers, plus interaction with the preceding--Web 2.0 often seems like Web 1.0+. It is all of the stuff that existed in Web 1.0--plus more!.a set of technologies called Ajax as being core to Web 2.0. (If you really must know, Ajax is short for "asynchronous JavaScript and XML.") The essence of Ajax (the technology, not the cleanser) is that it makes it easier to create zippy, interactive graphical applications that run in your browser. While that was possible before, it required technologies like Java, which was difficult to use. Ajax proponents argue that new Ajax-built online tools like Google Maps are harbingers of a fabulous new future

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