
Sunday, June 10, 2007


Shiv Sena, has appealed the government to ban the website operated by Google. Shiv Sena has insisted the government of the misuse of Orkut which has resulted in hurting the religious sentiments of Hindu majority.After Brazil (55%) and United States (19%), India (16%) has the third largest number of Orkut users. However, the government of India has no plan to block the site and has ordered for a probe to Mumbai police about the content. Even Google has given access to Indian police to contact it directly.Meanwhile, the student wing of Shiv Sena is trying to develop software for partially blocking the site. They have also appealed the internet café owners not to allow users to connect to Orkut.The student group Bharatiya Vidyarthi Sena has raised voice against the misuse of website against certain religious groups, Hindu culture, which may further disturb the communal harmony.

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