
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Social networking sites

Social networking sites are feeding off each other's good will, according to a new report by competitive intelligence service company Hitwise.
Facebook's traffic has doubled in just over 18 months, but MySpace still receives most of the Web's social networking traffic. MySpace captured 79.7% of social networking traffic in April, according to figures released by Hitwise on Monday. Facebook accounted for 11.47% of social networking visits, while MySpace alterative Bebo drew 1.28% of the traffic last month, according to the Hitwise report.
MySpace visits rose 70% from April 2006 to April 2007, while the percentage increase for the lesser-used sites was much more dramatic, according to Hitwise. Facebook visits increased 126% from April 2006 and Bebo's traffic rose 184% from last year, Hitwise announced.

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