
Friday, June 22, 2007

Social networkers lack loyalty

Social networking users tend to get around, as they say, and not stay faithful to one network according to a new study.The report -- Web 2.0 & the New Net -- by research group Parks Associates found that MySpace users are chronically unfaithful. The survey found that nearly 40 percent of MySpace users keep profiles on other social networking sites such as Friendster and Facebook.Meanwhile, loyalty among the smaller social networking sites is even lower, with more than 50 percent of all users actively maintaining multiple profiles.A straw poll in the offices of ENN matched this pattern with roughly half staying loyal to one social network while the remainder had multiple accounts.According to Parks these trends highlight a peculiar aspect of the market for social networking services. The report found that nearly half of all social networkers regularly use more than one site while one in six use three or more.Parks said the result of its findings is that users are operating in an increasingly interlinked online environment, which is tied together by links, widgets.

1 comment:

Nia here! said...

I see, they are not EXCLUSIVELY to one network at the expense of another. That's true of course.

However once active, I think that most "social networkers" remain active to some degree of the other.

Social networking is not just about joining my space, mybloglog, stumble upon, etc etc...

Social network is about joining and participating in several "communities" and being loyal to the activity that brings traffic and that builds relationships